No, I have not God-and-dog walked off the end of the world, though it may seem that way. I’m sorry for the long absence and have missed coming to this blog, missed you all.
This seems to be a weird year for the body of Christ. I’ll share a bit of my circumstances, but I know I’m not alone, that it’s not all about me, that God is at work. Many of my dear Christian brethren have also gone through odd and difficult times in the past few months. That’s life in a fallen creation—life that just begs for light, and I’m thankful that the Lord has not left us without that Light.
I am now working for a living. It’s been thirteen years since I worked a real job. Thirteen years of professional writing meant my time was my own, and I had ample opportunity to walk the dog, sing to the sky, and stumble through the thicket in pursuit of God. Most of you know I had a publisher back out of a contract, which left me with a book in hand and no place to go. Finances were very strained—as I know it is for many of you—and I had to find a job.
God has been so gracious. After being humbled by three months of little interest, I am now working in a job that pays decent money, offers plenty to do, and provides very nice co-workers. It’s tough adjusting to a 40-hour work week after so many years of floating here-and-there. I have no complaints, even am ashamed to consider that I might. Please pray I do a good job, help this company that produces much-needed pharmaceutical products. It’s a good cause, and I want to be helpful to the hard-working people here.
The most difficult part is being in a closed environment, in a secure facility. Last week learned I can leave campus at lunch time. Praise God—across the way from where I work is abundant conservation land! I can walk, oh thank you—I can walk in the trees and along the water during lunch. No dog, I’m afraid, though I’ve met a black lab named Digby whose lucky owner walks at lunch.
My dear husband also has some serious (but not bad) things going on at work. I’m not at liberty to discuss them now but they’ve added to the challenges we’ve faced as a family these last few months. And my son has been so very, very sick…and we’ve been praying hard for recovery.
So we’ve been out straight, but that’s life and you all share it with me. And that is my blessing.
I hope to drop in more often. I miss God-and-dog-walking, miss all of you. I am blessed to borrow Sadie now and then, and even more blessed when I can take my grandson into the woods and teach him how to splash in the stream!
Hi Kathy, please, please know that I am upholding you and your husband and your son in prayer. Life is hard, that's no secret, and it appears curve balls are in abundance, but praise God that He is good . . . all the time.
So good to hear from you again.
Those stretching times are something, aren't they?
I hope you will receive a multitude of blessings in this new season. And I will be praying for all of you - particularly for you son's recovery.
I have been praying, and I will continue. You matter to me.
hi Kathy ~ thanks for the update. I miss hearing from you and will be praying.
One thing's for sure. Life is not static.
How good to hear from you again, and how sorry I am for all the confusion and trouble you've been going through! Truly it has been a difficult summer for so many people (a friend has had two brothers die this summer, for example).
You know how people are always saying, "Hang onto God's hand" or something like that?
When you walk with your grandson, he's clinging to your hand. He jumps, hops, swings from your hand, may even lift his feet clear off the ground, all in perfect safety. He's safe—not because he's holding on to you tightly, but because you're holding onto him.
That's how God holds us as we cling to Him. Cling tightly, and in perfect safety, my friend!
Kathy, good to get this update. God is good, so I'm not surprised your job has these pluses. He walks through the fire and flood with us.
I can't help wondering what this will mean for your writing--but maybe you're wondering the same thing.
I'll keep you in prayer.
I pray that your son is fully recovered by now. I am aghast that your publisher pulled out of your book contract. I'm assuming that the book was The Darkening, because Amazon has removed any mention of it from their site, and they notified me that they were not going to be able to fulfill my pre-order. You are not alone in that particular aspect; I have gotten the same word on four different books in the last 2 months. I wish all this trauma was not happening to you, but you are definitely keeping your testimony strong, and God will bless that (it sounds like He already has). I will continue to pray for you and your family.
I'm just now reading your update, but I'm praying for you! No wonder you've been on my mind often lately ...
Blessings, dear sister!
Kathryn-- I just logged on trying to find out when the sequel to VANISHED was coming out only to see this post. All I can say (as another writer) is that the Christian market has lost an exceptional writer if your sequel was pulled. I'm very sorry to hear of this problem.
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